Hi y'all. Well, I can officially say that I've run a 10km race (and signed up for my next one). This is an accomplishment that I thought would never be possible and I am very proud of. Yet this weekend also brought me to a realization that somehow being behind a computer screen makes people think that they can say anything they want no matter how mean. Honestly, I write this blog so that I can express my creativity and meet others who love nail polish as much as I do. But recently I've read some nasty comments others have made on a forum about my nail art. To those who don't like what I do, why are you taking your time to read my posts? I'm not expecting to please everyone and I'm not here just to gain readership. I enjoy reading comments and connecting with other polish lovers and appreciate all of you that post positive feedback. Like we learned in kindergarten, if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. Now that I've ranted, here's today Monday Mani!

For today's mani, I used two new polishes by Oh My Gosh. I must admit, I love how these polishes apply on their own but I also love how they look together The base colour is OMG 008 Bright Yellow (to read the review,
click here). This creamy yellow was the perfect backdrop for some cute polkadots. For the blue polkadots, I used OMG 009 Cobalt Blue. I will be reviewing this polish later this week so stay tuned! Once I was done with these polkadots, I thought I would spice it up with additional yellow polkadots on top of the blue ones. I used the same yellow polish for these polkadots and I just love how this mani turned out. Because I had two levels of polkadots, I needed two coats of top coat to even out the surface of the nail.
Overall, I must say this is one of my favourite polkadot manis up to date. For those of you who honestly enjoy my blog, I thank you every much for the time you take to connect with me through comments. I treasure each and every comment and love seeing your own creative posts.
Keep those fingers pretty & have a great Monday!
Hey! Congrats on the race! I love your polka dot mani, really cool to use the yellow again on top of the blue. Ignore the mean people out there and keep posting your nail art, and nail polish reviews.